

I still remember the day,

It was two and a half years ago,

When you placed a blade,

At knifepoint to My Involuntarily Exposed Heart,

And Gently whispered in my ear,

"Are you ready?"

You cut me

Deep and more severe than expected,

I thought that wound healed,

But now its exposed,

Fresh and clear,

With every thump,

A Reminder Of That Day

It took one and a half years.

But its finally open,

Pain , Happiness, Sorrow, Hate, And Unmeasurable JOY

Emotions Intermingled as one Single Strong Feeling.


I LOVED you.

Do you realize how your words can affect me?

I Rise and Fall from Ashes,

With the very slight quiver of your Lips

Why couldn't It Be ME?

WHat WaS i LaCKIng?

compared to him.

I damn this Heart of Mine.

Weak, Broken,

Cut, Opened By you.

Bring A Needle and Thread quick.

Im Bleeding and Dying

Now's your chance to Save Me!

Won't you take it?

2 mini(s):

Anonymous said...

aww man. emo

Dan's TV Show said...

Yeah. heheh. A normal rant.

Vid Of the Week