
MIxed Feelings.

Just met my chc Mates From Jb today.

Feel weird.

Glad to see them

But yet, unsettling to know that they came all the way from jb.

Didn't know how to react. (i greeted them warmly of course. im not THT cold hearted.)

On top of that Some Other Feeling is Brewing that i didn't know of... Are you showing me signs that you like me? Of is this just the "new" you? Im confused. SHould i make the jump or not? Baah. Fuck it. (sorry for the use of language but thats the only way to put how im feeling right now)

80TH Post woHOO!

nothing special here.

same shit. different day. =)

Till next time.

ps: hope next time i'll have pictures to post up..

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